University of the Arts in Bremen / Germany

This is where my gamba-class lives and works, where I unveil the secrets of music making and where I learn from my students how to be generous and loving and encouraging and generally a better person

Website of the School


In the Corona Year of 2020 I have started a Yoga-Teacher Education, which I shall finish in October of 2021. As I have practiced yoga for many years and have found that it has helped me enormously to deal with the physical and psychological demands of being a musician, I decided - since I had the time- to learn more about it and go deeper into the subject - and it was a good reason for me to keep up my own Yoga-Practice and get better at it. So I have diligently studied many aspects, historical, anatomical, the counter-indications, meditation techniques and about all the different approaches and styles. Slowly I get better at it and I get ready to teach other people - Yoga can be helpful for anybody, no matter how old or heavy or stiff one is. I intend to work with individuals, one-to-one, since I believe I can find better fitting practices for every individual: young or old, musicians or retired people. In case you are interested, do not hesitate to contact me. hille@hillenet.net. I can offer a Zoom meeting or a lesson in presence in Winkelsett.
